Grace Community Church 256 Beartooth Pkwy – Dawsonville, GA

Visitor Information

Who we are

...we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

We are reformed, mean­ing that we hold to the great truths that were redis­cov­ered dur­ing the Protes­tant Ref­or­ma­tion.

We hold to truths like sal­va­tion by grace alone through faith alone, in Christ alone, accord­ing to the word of God alone, to the glo­ry of God alone! 

We are Bap­tist and there­fore hold to a regen­er­ate church mem­ber­ship and believ­ers’ bap­tism by immersion.

We iden­ti­fy with the fol­low­ing Pas­tors that you may rec­og­nize — John Piper, John MacArthur, Tom Ascol, Jim Eliff, R.C. Sproul and many oth­ers. We are learn­ing from their ministries.

His­tor­i­cal­ly we iden­ti­fy with the min­istry of men like Charles Spur­geon, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Wat­son and others.

Our deep­est desire is to be faith­ful fol­low­ers of Jesus Christ.

When we gather

The Lord's Day

Morning10:00 AM
Evening6:00 PM

Wednesday Evening

Doors open6:15 PM
Food + fellowship✝✝6:30 PM
Devotion + prayer7:20 PM

First Sunday of every month
✝✝ If you are new to our church, we encour­age you to come and fel­low­ship with us with­out oblig­a­tion to bring any food. Please allow us to serve you!

Where to find us

We meet at the Bear Praise Shop­ping Cen­ter locat­ed at 256 Beartooth Park­way in Daw­sonville, GA. Our loca­tion is just off of Hwy 53 and just east of GA Hwy 400. Turn between the Waf­fle House and the Carwash.